Last week when I was in Salmiah, I went into a shopping complex and there was this shop selling cosmetics and fragrances. The shocking thing was they were selling fake perfumes of branded names, for a cheap price. If you were observant, you'd sense something funny, you would guess it's not authentic and that its a counterfeit fragrance. In appearance, some of them are quite a good imitation of the genuine house of fragrance. Actually the price should get you thinking, why is it so cheap? I really don't understand, why they are available in the market in the first place. When you buy perfumes, do purchase them from reputable shops and outlets like Va Va Voom, Debenhams or Beidoun.
Some pictures of the fake perfumes.....
Miss Dior - Christian Dior |
Chance - Chanel |
Lady Million - Paco Rabanne |
Vanitas - Versace |
Guilty - Gucci |
Beauty - Calvin Klein |
Coco Madamoiselle - Chanel |
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