We registered with Essence Travels for the farm trip last Saturday on 10th December at Sadeer Farms in Abdally. I was so excited that I woke up quite early. It took us 1 hour, 15 minutes from Salmiyah to reach the farm and we arrived by 11.15 am. We were greeted by nature loving, friendly volunteers who confirmed our registration and explained about the farm and the various activities we could chose. As we sat waiting for some information, plenty of visitors turned up. We signed up for the Exotic Farm Tour with animal tour and Vegetable Picking. The farm offers buggy tour for anyone who is interested to go around. Besides the farm tour, young children can have fun with creative art activities. The farm is equipped with clean toilets and hand washing facilities for visitors.
At the entrance, corn, cauliflower, broccoli and honey from the farm were being sold. A large sprawling field with vegetables is in the beginning left corner as you enter. There is a smaller field of vegetables near the community dining area. We passed by an attractive placid pond on our way to the large exotic vegetable field which is the middle of the farm much further down from the entrance. We chose the walking tour so we could take our time and see the entire farm. The first thing I noticed is how well cared for and maintained the farm is and how healthy the vegetables are. It was so delightfully captivating to see rows and rows of amazing vegetables. The opportunity to spend a day out in a farm in Kuwait and see locally grown delicious produce is an exquisite experience. It was my first time seeing white satin carrots and purple carrots. I was fascinated by the different variety of beets as well, especially the yellow beets. The purple cauliflower, purple broccoli and rainbow corn, blue corn were still in growing stage.
The exotic farm had quite a variety of vegetables like beets and carrots in an assortment of colors and different kinds of kale, cabbage, purple lettuce, red spinach, pumpkin, aubergine, and much more. The green house had 12 variety of tomatoes, a lot of it ready for harvesting. The capsicums we noticed were still in growing stage. Oh and yes, the green house also had a wide range of lovely herbs. Pure honey from bee farming is available for purchase. As we walked further down, there was a sheep farm and a bit away from that was the goat farm from where we could hear the baby goats bleat in their sweet tiny voices. It's been a while since I've seen so many baby goats. We walked through the tall, vast corn fields enjoying the prettiness of corn hidden and protected in their husk leaves with silky strands drooping from the top.
Then came the best part - vegetable picking; the jubilation of harvesting by hand. We picked a box and my husband delicately picked several varieties of exotic vegetables from the soil. The food counter had a choice of Saj or burgers. And we of course went for Saj. Tea, coffee, water, cake and pastries were available as well. A huge outdoor dining area with plenty of seating is available for you to comfortably enjoy your food. Alas we couldn't stay back for the bonfire and music which we had actually forward to but we needed to leave before 4 pm to attend another event happening in Shuwaikh. Hopefully we return to Sadeer Farms next season for another farm tour, bonfire and music.
Farm visits is a pleasurable activity for the whole family providing endless joy and instills in us a greater appreciation for agriculture and farming. And you get to take home your choice of hand picked vegetables straight from the soil which means they are absolutely fresh, healthy and tasty. Depending on the tour itinerary for the season, there would be special farming workshops for adults and activities for children..
If you haven't visited Sadeer Farms, you can check out Essence Travels website and instagram for the next farm visit announcement or send them a message via whats app. Farm tours at Sadeer Farms are organized by Essence Travels .
Essence Travels Instagram
Essence Travels whats app : 66883404
Sadeer Farms Instagram
If you haven't visited Sadeer Farms, you can check out Essence Travels website and instagram for the next farm visit announcement or send them a message via whats app. Farm tours at Sadeer Farms are organized by Essence Travels .
Essence Travels Instagram
Essence Travels whats app : 66883404
Sadeer Farms Instagram
beautiful farm.
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